South Island Pie Co

Shepherdless Pie - Veggies & Ale (Vegan)


A vegan alternative to the traditional meat pie. This mix of veggies and ale gravy made with Blindman New England Pale Ale gives you all the taste of a meat pie… without the meat, of course.


Filling: creamer potatoes, sweet potatoes, lager beer, peas, carrots, mushrooms, celery, onions, olive oil, flour, water, garlic, spice mix (salt, spice, dehydrated onion, dehydrated garlic, canola oil), herbs and spices, salt, pepper.

Pastry: flour, margarine (palm oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, soy lecithin), water, sugar (glucose-fructose), salt, ascorbic acid.

Contains: wheat, soy.



Garniture: pommes de terre grelot, patates douces, bière blonde, pois, carottes, champignons, céleri, oignons, huile d’olive, farine, eau, ail, épices (sel, épices, oignon déshydraté, ail déshydraté, huile de canola), herbes et épices, sel, poivre.

Pâte: farine, margarine (huiles de palme, de soya, de coton, soya lecithin), eau, sucre (glucose-fructose), sel, acide ascorbique.

Contient: blé, soya.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Kate B

I grew up regularly eating pies in New Zealand. Having been vegetarian for a while now, it's such a treat to have the option of this pie! All the goodness of a pie in vegan form! They are so legit and delicious

Susan Larcombe

A bit heavy on the rhyme

Nancy Fielding
More Shepherdless Love!

I received my order of various South Island pies, and treated myself to the Shepherdless pie today. My GOODNESS it was good. The pastry was perfect, the veg a lovely texture, and all in just the right amount of gravy. Looking forward to the Jamaican Patty pie tomorrow, and everything from the Wilkie to the Greek in the weeks to come. Keep up the good work!

Liana Wilson
Shepherdless Love!

This is one (of many) of my favorite South Island Pies. Loads of veggies with great flavors. I would love to see them make it with the mashed potato topping like the limited edition roast turkey pie. I'll be watching for another great pie choice to love!