Peace River Honey
Gilbert Wolfe has always been sweet on bees. As a child, he spent hours observing honeybees in the fields of northern Alberta where he grew up. His first summer job was extracting honey for a local beekeeper. When he was sixteen, Gilbert convinced his father to buy him fifty beehives. Countless stings later, Gilbert extracted his first honey crop in an old granary and a beekeeping business was born.
Over 25 years later, Gilbert and his wife Sharon have grown that initial honey crop into Canada’s largest organic apiary with full production, packaging and distribution capabilities. Many things have changed since those early days. The granary has been replaced by a 40,000-square-foot processing facility. Fifty hives have become thousands and 22 full-time employees help to produce and process high volumes of organic honey every year. What hasn’t changed is Gilbert and Sharon’s commitment to creating the highest quality organic honey entirely from the beautiful Peace River region they call home.
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